Book Review: Deep Work – Carl Newport

Distrations are everywhere today,there are more ways to distarct yourself today than every before. Carl Newport focuses on ways we can navigate all the distractions in modern society and still be productive.

The Compound Effect – Darren Hardy

The compound effect is a great book by Darren hardy; this book really shows the advantage of small daily habits over time. We tend to neglect the importance of little habits because we don’t believe they matter over time. In reality, it is these daily habits...

How To Win Friends And Influence People – Dale Carnegie

To make live Journey more bearable and interesting, one must master the skill of understanding people. How to win friends and influence people is a great book; a book that lay out some of the principles of understanding human behaviors and how they affect...

The Richest Man In Babylon

The richest man in Babylon is a masterpiece by George S. Clason. This book gives the richest insight into the principles of acquiring and sustaining wealth. a must-read for anyone who aspires to understand how to make and maintain wealth over time.